Reducers And Flatteners
This combination focal reducer and field corrector lens accessory works with all Celestron 5", 8", 9 1/4", 11" and 14" Schmidt-Cassegrain telescopes.
Superb quality, non-focal reducing Field Flattener optimised for DSLR imaging on refractor telescopes with focal ratios of between f/5.5 to f6.0.
The Explore Scientific 0.7x Reducer/corrector 3" reduces the effective focal length of a particular telescope by the factor 0.7x (for f/8) and 0.8x (for f/10) respectively.
A fully multicoated astronomical barlow lens has been designed with multiple CaF2 Fluorite elements .
This great product from Baader now allows you to use your Newtonian telescope to take stunning wide field photographic or digital images of the night sky.
Optimised for all Sky-Watcher fast-ratio f/5 Newtonian Reflectors / Dobsonians, with 2” focuser.
Optimised for Sky-Watcher superfast f/4 Quattro imaging Newtonians, delivering stunning wide-field views with pinpoint stars to the edge of the flat field.