NEW SKY-WATCHER STAR ADVENTURER ASTRO-IMAGING MOUNT WITH AUTOGUIDER INTERFACE IS AVAILABLE NOW! The user-friendly Sky-Watcher Star Adventurer provides various combinations to satisfy all you needs for astrophotography and time-lapse photography. It is a high precision, portable and stable celestial tracking platform for sidereal, solar and lunar tracking with automatic DSLR shutter release control. Moreover, it contains pre-programmed parameters assisting you to create interesting time-lapse videos with your DSLR.
Product Announcements
Celestron announce new products at NEAF 2014 in New York, including new Nexstar Evolution 6", 8" and 9.25" scopes! Celestron’s signature telescopes reach a new level with NexStar Evolution Series, the first Schmidt-Cassegrain telescope with integrated WiFi. Leave your hand control behind and slew to all the best celestial objects with a tap of your smartphone or tablet. Connect your device to NexStar Evolution’s built-in wireless network, and explore the universe with the Celestron mobile app for iOS and Android.
Lunt Solar Systems is excited to announce new 50mm Pressure Tuned dedicated Hydrogen-alpha telescope, the LS50THa!The LS50T is a refractor-based system with a 50mm aperture and an internal-mounted etalon with Pressure Tuner adjustment. This system allows for a <0.75 Angstrom band pass.